Day 1: No zero days November – 2023

So the first day is not fully over yet, but programming will come to a halt so I can finish other work as well. I am quite happy with my progress today, but I probably have some explaining to do. Today I decided to take it easy and create the very basic bare bones of the new modular system. Before you say that we decided during the live stream to not work on this for some time, I know haha. It has been some time since I worked with all the code of GoZen so remaking this system also gave me a bit of time today to go through all my previous scripts.

Modular manager

Right now, all modules have their own class file which they extent from, this will act as an interface so all modules have the needed functionality to interact with each other. Also, they have a static variable right now. If you want to add a node to the main window in the content field, you can use ModuleMainWindow.instance.add_to_content(node). So modules interacting with each other will become more smooth.

Framework only

I’ve only put the building blocks in place and have only done some work on the main window module interface to test things out. I’m happy with what is accomplished so far, even though it is not much. I don’t want to work on this modular system anymore, but I found it necessary to do this part first.


For tomorrow I’ll be focusing on the settings menu and the project settings menu, this will involve some work on re-making the way that the settings and project settings are being saved so will take a good amount of time. Having these things in place will allow me to change settings more easily to see if other things are working correctly.


My keyboard, sadly, has decided to break my keycap stems completely, they were already close to completely breaking, but they finally decided that today would be a good day to break completely.


Happy about today, looking forward to the rest of this month! \^o^/