GoZen update: 2024 – Week 4

Some much needed additions and changes have been made!


Finally made the move to change the translation system to gettext (POT) as it is a lot easier to work with and saves me time. It also saves me time as I was thinking of creating my own system … glad I didn’t do that and instead looked further into how to use gettext instead. For people who want to help with translations, you’ll be needing a program called Poedit, I’ll be sharing a video on how to actually work with PO files and the POT template file. It’s not complicated, but it’s quite overwhelming at first. ^^”

We won’t be using the po files but the .mo files. Before each release, the build script will be compiling these to .mo files together with compiling the GDextensions. So for language contribution, only submit the .po files please.

All locales transferred

On yesterday’s stream, even though my migraine was trying to stop me, I managed to change all locales which we had already to this system. I also updated the README file today so people can have some kind of idea on how to contribute, but a video will be following in the next couple of day’s. I really like this gettext system now that I finally figured out how it works and I hope more people using Godot will switch to this system as working with giant csv files can become a pain really quickly. ^^”

We have a builder!

A basic version of the builder is finished, at this moment it does not generate any exported application yet though. ^^” The script, build.sh, is meant to be used for compiling the GDExtension and to compile the translation files for now. The builder does also a bit more than just those things, as it also keeps the sub modules up to date before using them to compile. This will give people an easy way of building GoZen without too much hassle.

What’s next?

Next up will be the main editor UI and the media pool. Again lots of just copy pasting and adjusting because of the re-build, but we are still on schedule so I’m not too worried about missing the end of February for the alpha release. :p

Since I started the re-build of GoZen, everything has been a lot cleaner and a lot nice to work with. Everything has more structure which will make it easier for code contributors (if they will ever come xD). As of now I am the only person working on code related stuff, the main explanation for that is probably because GoZen is still very early in development so what needs to happen and how is still too unclear for anybody wanting to help with code. Nothing to be done about that, what I hope is that the moment I have the effects + transition systems in place that people will be contributing a lot by creating different effects and transitions of which some can be included in the official GoZen build and others can become part of the Module Garden.

Module Garden

The module garden won’t be an actual thing until Alpha. The module garden will need maintainers to check and see if releases don’t contain malicious stuff and to see if they work for the current version. Without maintainers I won’t be implementing the module garden as it could be a security risk. Feeling the calling to be a gardener? Let me know! ;p

OS Support

For the people who missed my previous little update, for the time being I’ll only be supporting GoZen on Linux. My Windows knowledge is not enough to get the GDExtension working. I will have another go at it the moment GoZen gets into Alpha, but I will need help from the Windows users because I don’t think I can do it alone with my limited Windows knowledge. Same goes for MacOS. Android … won’t get any support, sorry. ^^” I may make a separate project for an Android build, but I haven’t made any plans for that yet.

Health update

For the people worrying about my health, I’m doing mostly fine. My migraines limit the amount of thinking and work I can get done, but other then that I am fine … I think. Next month I’ll see how my migraines are, if they are still as bad as this month I’ll be going on another doctors visit. My only hope is that I can finish GoZen before my health goes down even more. ^^”

But I’ll probably be fine, just need more rest and less stress. Big progress report for this week hahah Have fun reading. 😉