This week’s update is a very small one. Because of my accident I can’t use my hands that much. ^^”
I may have figured out the compiling for Windows by accident. I’ve not been able to use my pc since Saturday, but by watching videos about FFmpeg and C++ I think I know what I was doing wrong, will test this later this week.
Drag and drop
I have figured out the system on how to drag and drop from your file manager to the timeline. I still have to actually test it as it only exists in small notes and voice recordings which I made :p.
Video seeking
We figured out how to do the video seeking and with “we”, I mainly mean the guy who’s helping me. Again, something I’ll test when I can use my hands.
GDScript testing
Came up with some ideas which would make troubleshooting the FFmpeg part easier by utilizing more GDScript. I’ll be doing some performance testing later on to see if there is a performance loss or not.
Localization and settings menu
So I’ve been busy with localization as many people noticed and I may have figured out why the settings menu takes a good while to open up. I’ll be trying to test the speed of localization with CSV, PO, and MO files to see if there is a difference. Else there may be a performance issue with config files which I’ll have to fix as that’s what we use for project files as well.(edited)
From tomorrow I’ll try to start working on my PC again, for today I’ll just keep studying a bit and taking it easy so my hands fully recover.