It has been some time since decent progress has been made on GoZen, luckily there have been contributors helping out, big thanks!
Hand update
My hands have been healing nicely, right hand is basically completely fine since yesterday. My left hand … yeah, my thumb is still kind of numb and can’t move. But my index finger started moving somewhat properly again today making typing easier. Not to go into too much details but, the bone of my thumb is still connected with a metal pin to a bone of my index finger, this gives a very strange feeling when trying to move my index finger xD.
GoZen progress
I’ve been working on the editor layout a bit as this involves not too much typing, same for the buttons and the menu button of the top bar which is now somewhat modular, in terms that people can add icons to it and decide which icons are visible and which should stay in the menu. So not much progress on my side of things. ^^” However there is now Windows compiling, and better window management which will improve even more with a PR which is in draft right now.
I forked
As more and more people will start working on GoZen it started becoming clear that I better fork the repo and add my code through PR’s as well to keep a better structure and making it easier for contributors to see what is being added with the benefit of containing notes (inside of the PR).
The github project page has been inactive and I will try to bring it back to life and fully updated as we go along. Most of the code for the current to-do’s has been made and just needs a clean re-make anyway. ;p
Near future
Some of the items I’ll be working on the following days:
- Finishing the first temporary UI;
- Finishing the rendering system;
- (Hopefully) finishing the timeline;
- GDExtension performance testing.