Not gone lie, I’ve been very busy the past couple days with working on videos, especially the Video Player tutorial series. I didn’t know it would get the amount of views which it’s getting, really surprised by that. But this doesn’t mean I’m not making progress on GoZen.
We have a road-map! Nothing special though, it basically is a way for me to easily show what the progress on GoZen is, and what we still need for an alpha release. This road-map can be found here:
It’s just a simple checklist which will help me to easily figure out what needs to happen. I’ll try to keep this as up-to-date as possible.
The GDExtension part is what I’ve been working on the most, the recent optimizations improved the speed of getting audio by almost 50% (of a 1+ hour video file). Next parts I’ll be working on for the tutorial series are the video frame getters (next_frame and seek_frame), I’ve already found certain area’s which can be improved and may result in higher performance compared to the high performance I already achieved.
Early optimizing? Kind of. Needed? Yes. I don’t want to switch too much between the GDExtension and GDScript code as it is getting too annoying. After the video player series is done, normally the GDExtension should be on point and finished for … well, probably the first official release.
Other stuff
I did improve the readability of the code a little, fixed some stuff and made the first parts of the clip dragging work. The timeline is what is taking a bit of time as I need to figure out how to handle the data in a good enough way for now. I have some ideas, but time is what I’ve been lacking. I got hit with a massive migraine again, which caused me to loose 2 day’s, but with some ice packs in my neck I managed to get back to work.
This week
This week, like I mentioned before, I’ll mainly be working on the GDExtension together with finishing up the Video Player tutorial series, I have a good 3-4 more episodes planned so I’ll be trying to film one episode a day to quickly get through them. At the end we will have a nicely working + optimized GDExtension which others can use, and a tutorial series which will give people more of an idea of how FFmpeg works. ^^