This week has been a calm one due to me getting sick, again. I did do a good amount of work even with getting sick though and I’m also preparing for this years No Zero Days November which is starting next week. For this week I’ll talk about the biggest change I’ve been working on, the Roadmap and NZDN.
GoZenServer was intended to be the hub for all parts of the editor to connect to, however … it became too much of an unstructured mess and I had to do something as an unstructured mess is a pain to work with and can slow down progress by a lot.
Let’s meet the Core autoloads, my solution to this problem! These Core classes will handle all specific parts of the editor and it basically branches out GoZenServer and some other scripts. It does help a lot and it will make it a lot more clear for people who want to make their own modules as well. The Core classes which are already made and are planned are:
- CoreTimeline #102;
- CoreView #101;
- CoreEffects #99;
- CoreMedia #100;
- CoreLoader #98;
- CoreLayouts #97;
- CoreModules #96;
- CoreError #116;
I may add more, but to explain everything quickly, most modules will only need to connect and use functions of one core class. By example Timeline should only ever interact with CoreTimeline, and so on. Pretty straightforward and so the chance of custom modules behaving strangely becomes less likely as most of the checking and data will be handled by the Core components and the modules are just there for changing UI, UX and adding extra functionality.
This is the link to the new Roadmap, it’s still very basic, but it gives me a guideline and it gives people interested in the project more of an idea how everything is going. I did make it in a way that it is ready to deal with contributions as well, to somewhat future proof it. I like GitHub projects as it is simple, straightforward and there’s a good integration with repo’s.
At this moment the main view is kind of empty, for a list of all my work points check the Inbox tab. All issues and pull requests will get added there and will be sorted by me into the main view.
No Zero Days November
It’s that time of the year again, the second annual No Zero Days November! This will fall together with the birth of my second kid, so let’s see if it’ll really be a month of No Zero Days hahah. At this moment it does look like I will have to skip a day or two due to the possible health problems of my second kid as it is highly likely that he will have the same issues as our first kid.
Nothing serious, but it involves being taken to a separate hospital by ambulance and requiring me to go there daily and as I don’t have a car and public transportation from my house till there is kind of meh, I’ll have to go there by bicycle. But it’s only about an hour to get there so not that big of a deal. :p
Thanks to my Ko-fi supporters!
I often feel like I can’t thank my Ko-fi supporters enough, but the support has been so much last couple of months that I feel that during NZDN I could possibly reach my monthly goal which I set out for myself to achieve by the end of next year!
GoZen is also getting closer and closer to the beta stage which is very exciting and the support has been helping a lot to not stress too much about making videos and to focus more of my time towards GoZen and it’s GDExtension.
A big thank you and I hope I can deliver a great video editor, informative videos, supporter only software and hopefully many more open source software projects!