GoZen update: 2024 – Week 9

Not gonna lie, it was difficult to get fully up and running to make progress on GoZen. The month of not being able to use my pc a lot really did a number on how well I flow in the code of GoZen. Luckily I finally started swimming through the code again since today.

Hand update

For many people this may not be interesting, but I still want to mention that I’m slowly gaining some functionality back in my hand. Long period of using my pc are still not possible else my hand will go on strike, but the daily amount of time I can program is slowly increasing. ^^

Default layout

So the default layout is finally finished, took a little longer than expected, but a lot of things had to change, you can find the PR over here. It involved more editor UI changes, and also the creation of a module manager. Modularity was a big thing for this as well.

I did mention earlier that I wouldn’t be working too much on the modular approach for now, but that would have made my future work a lot more difficult by having to re-design and rework every bit. My previous attempts luckily gave me enough knowledge to know what I had to take in mind to create the module manager.

To be completely honest, I’m proud of myself. Which may be a strange thing to say looking at how we don’t even have a working video editor yet hahah.

The forking :/

In a previous update I mentioned that I was going to work on features in branches, so I forked the repo … this turned out to be a mistake as it was less easy to make quick updates to the overall code which would not need a pr otherwise.

Still learning how to deal and work with Git and GitHub as it is my first time managing a ‘big’ project. For now I’ll be creating feature branches in the main repo instead of a fork. This will make it easier for contributors to work on the same features without them having to switch forks of the project. It will also increase my productivity as I mentioned before, making small changes became quite troublesome. ^^”

Until alpha

Until the alpha arrives, I will keep my PR’s to a minimum and mainly work inside of the master branch to keep work easier and to push out more quick changes. After Alpha I’ll be working mainly with feature branches and bug fixes will also be PR’s unless those features and bug fixes would not break anything.

Translation system

The localization system is … very incomplete at the moment. As much as I’d like to improve this, it will require a lot of time and guess what I don’t have much of at the moment? :p

The plan

The plan is to create an editor tool which can generate better POT files and which can create language PO files as well. Maybe with a button to generate the MO files. I have been working on creating a test for a video to show the performance differences, but I’ll need more time and a better test scene for making the video actually informative.

What’s next

The Alpha is getting closer and having finished this part, a whole list of other things I have to work on arrived at my door. First part to work on will be the media pool, which will need some improvements to the original code I wrote as I’m stepping away from thumbnails and I’ll be improving the way files are added to projects. I got this part figured out, but again, time will be necessary.

Anyway, I’m glad to be in full swing again and happy that my wife is inviting friends over tomorrow so they can keep the kid busy whilst I have a full day of programming. 😀 (I’m not that much of a social guy when I have things which need to get done to be honest. :p)