Author: Voylin

  • I made my own split keyboard

    I made my own split keyboard

    My key caps were a problem on my previous keyboard and so was my wrist pain. This together with having learned touch typing made me slowly look into split keyboards for several reasons. Having used the keyboard for some weeks now, I’m confident to say that I never want to go back to a normal…

  • GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 20

    GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 20

    Last week we skipped a weekly update (again) as I wasn’t able to achieve a lot in week 18. However this week we achieved a lot, found a lot more bugs, and did I once again get beaten by FFmpeg. Let’s go over some of the changes which happened but first about my current setup.…

  • GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 18

    GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 18

    The GoZen GDExtension is probably completely finished for now! 😀 Took some time to do some of the optimizations which I wanted but got everything working and cleaned up. For an update on the current progress go to the GitHub issue: Progress has been slow this week due to finishing up the Video Player tutorial…

  • GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 17

    GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 17

    Not gone lie, I’ve been very busy the past couple days with working on videos, especially the Video Player tutorial series. I didn’t know it would get the amount of views which it’s getting, really surprised by that. But this doesn’t mean I’m not making progress on GoZen. Road-map We have a road-map! Nothing special…

  • GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 15

    GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 15

    This week was a busy one, worked a lot on the FFmpeg side of things, cleaning up some of the build files and decided to move the translations stuff back into the original code as this is probably for the best. No more submodule The submodule for the translations stuff is something I moved back…

  • GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 14

    GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 14

    Big news for this weeks update! The FFmpeg core is complete! At least for now, some adjustments will need to be made in the future but that’s a worry for later. The last couple of weeks I had been so focused on getting this part done, FFmpeg and C++ was all I could think of,…

  • GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 13

    GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 13

    Alpha’s getting really close. This weekly update may seem a bit empty to be this close to alpha, but that is so I can have a more well written update next week. My current progress which I won’t talk to much about in this post mainly has been on the media pool, timeline and project…

  • GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 12

    GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 12

    This week a lot of progress has been made, a lot of it is ready to be pushed to the repo, other parts I am still working on, let’s first go over all the parts I have finished. Finished (won’t touch till Alpha) Window/editor UI So the UI has seen a shift, especially the top…

  • Google Summer of Code

    Google Summer of Code

    Google Summer of Code is Coming! For the people who don’t know what GSoC is, it’s basically a very good opportunity to gain coding experience whilst working on actual projects. It happens during summer, it’s in the name so yeah, and it can be compared to following a coding summer camp, but then from home.…

  • GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 11

    GoZen Update: 2024 – Week 11

    A big small update, probably the best way to describe this one. Progress was made, but not as much as I would have liked (as usual :p). Anyway, progress has been made so let’s go over the changes! Godot version 4.2.2 RC 2 Because of the bugs which really slowed down progress whilst working on…

  • GoZen update: 2024 – Week 10

    GoZen update: 2024 – Week 10

    This update is kind of a big one, a lot has changed in terms of structure and overall way of handling data. Export profiles First of let’s talk about export profiles. My commit for export profiles is actually not 100% complete but more on that later. As mentioned a couple of times before in previous posts, we…

  • GoZen update: 2024 – Week 9

    GoZen update: 2024 – Week 9

    Not gonna lie, it was difficult to get fully up and running to make progress on GoZen. The month of not being able to use my pc a lot really did a number on how well I flow in the code of GoZen. Luckily I finally started swimming through the code again since today. Hand…