Category: NZDN

  • Day 18: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 18: No zero days November – 2023

    Quite early to post, but I had to wake up early again to get work done as some family stuff came up. ^^” Sound update Instead of working on FFmpeg, again, I decided to instead focus on a part which is still one big question mark for me: Audio. I have general ideas in my head…

  • Day 17: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 17: No zero days November – 2023

    You may be wondering “Isn’t it only 7 in the morning for you?”, and yes … yes it is. I woke up at 5 o’clock to get some work done on GoZen. You may wonder why, well that’s because I’ll be having one hell of a busy day today which I can thank myself for…

  • Day 16: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 16: No zero days November – 2023

    Since day 4 or so the only thing I have been talking about in these updates is FFmpeg. Both FFmpeg and Godot are the core parts of GoZen to make GoZen into a reality. Progress Started working on the demuxer today. Demuxing is basically taking a video container and separating the streams of data (video, audio,…

  • Day 15: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 15: No zero days November – 2023

    One day late is posting this, had a productive morning, but the afternoon was spend on family time and video editing. Progress The interface is coming along nicely, basic functionality which a lot of it won’t be very useful to the average user, but will help in being able to setup (custom) render profiles. I…

  • Day 14: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 14: No zero days November – 2023

    Been a calm day today, decided to work a bit more on the extension’s interface to be able to troubleshoot a bit better whilst working on the importer. Interface? So we have 4 classes, the pipe renderer (which can serve as a backup, probably going to remove this at some point though), the renderer, and…

  • Day 13: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 13: No zero days November – 2023

    Another big breakthrough today. Yesterday I was able to create videos with the FFmpeg library with dummy code (random PackedByteArray filled with random to generate the video you saw yesterday), but today the renderer completely works. Render profiles When you start the render process, you need to supply a render profile which contains the data the renderer…

  • Day 12: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 12: No zero days November – 2023

    It’s alive!! I have not kept it much of a secret that I’ve been struggling a lot with the whole FFmpeg stuff. Almost completely gave up on it today to be honest. But I finally managed to get it somewhat working!! What works? Right now we got a function which will return some debug data, not…

  • Day 11: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 11: No zero days November – 2023

    This one will be short … Progress I was able to get a couple steps further in creating the importer. What’s wrong? Got a migraine again but heavier than normal this time. I felt it coming yesterday, made me unable to fall asleep easily, could only fall asleep past midnight. When I woke up I…

  • Day 10: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 10: No zero days November – 2023

    Today not much of a long explanation. It has been a rough day, and progress has been made but life got busy. Friday’s are my Japanese class days, so yeah. Progress The progress which I made had to do with FFmpeg. Still struggling with it but it’s going better each day as I gain more…

  • Day 9: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 9: No zero days November – 2023

    Today was filming, FFmpeg and cleanup day. Been going through all the code and files of GoZen to create a bit more structure and also been working more on the FFmpeg stuff. I feel that I am more and more getting a good grasp on the library. Licensing The GDExtension, GoZen-FFmpeg, changed to the MIT…

  • Day 8: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 8: No zero days November – 2023

    I FINALLY DID IT! 😀 So short summary for the people who have not been following these logs very closely. I’ve been trying to get FFmpeg working through it’s library, but I ran into some issues, but I had made the rendering system in python before. So why not create a separate class called GozenPipeRenderer which…

  • Day 7: No zero days November – 2023

    Day 7: No zero days November – 2023

    A week has passed and the progress has been … reasonable. I can not hide the fact that I’m a bit disappointed in what I managed to achieve as I expected to have a lot more work done within the first week. The reasons why I do this 30 day challenge is to make good…